Wednesday, November 27, 2019

hamilton and jefferson essays

hamilton and jefferson essays Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton resulted in the formation of the first political parties. The Federalists adopted Hamilton's philosophies; Jefferson helped bring together the Democratic-Republican party. The views and ideas of these two political parties are still seen everywhere in government today, both Hamilton and Jefferson had extremeley important insight on how the government should be ran. What was to be Jefferson's chief problem for many years soon became apparent. He and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton were completely at odds in their thinking. Jefferson, with his faith in the rational mind and his optimistic view of popular government, placed his trust in the land and the people who farmed it. He believed that the purpose of government was to assure the freedom of its individual citizens. With his fear of tyranny, he distrusted centralization of power and favored instead the spread of power among the federal, state, and local levels of government. Thomas Jefferson said, A people having sovereign power should do for itself all it can do well, and what it cannot do well, it must do through its ministers. The people...need to be guided by a council or a senate. But in order for people to trust it, they must elect its members... The people are admirable for choosing those to whom they should entrust some part of their authority. Hamilton, on the other hand, distrusted popular rule. "The people!" he once exclaimed, "the people is a great beast!" Whereas Jefferson favored an economy based on agriculture that stressed individual freedom, Hamilton worked to promote commerce, industry, and a strong central government, under which, he believed, the economy would flourish. He believed that to preserve order and the alliance between business and government, the moneyed class and the wealthy aristocracy should hold all political power. Jefferson retorted, ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Conjugate the Verb Studiare in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Studiare in Italian To studyTo learnTo practiceTo devise What to Know About â€Å"Studiare†: It’s a regular verb, so it follows the typical -are verb ending patternIt’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object, but it can also be an intransitive verb, which does not take an indirect object when conjugated with the auxiliary verb â€Å"avere†.The infinito is â€Å"studiare†.The participio passato is â€Å"studiato†.The gerund form is â€Å"studiando†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo studiato†. INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io studio noi studiamo tu studi voi studiate lui, lei, Lei studia essi, Loro studiano Ad esempio: Studio l’italiano ogni giorno. - I study Italian every day. Il passato prossimo io ho studiato noi abbiamo studiato tu hai studiato voi avete studiato lui, lei, Lei, ha studiato essi, Loro hanno studiato Ad esempio: Ieri sera ha studiato sei ore! Scommetto che superer l’esame. - He told me that he studied for six hours last night! I bet he’ll pass the exam. L’imperfetto io studiavo noi studiavamo tu studiavi voi studiavate lui, lei, Lei studiava essi, Loro studiavano Ad esempio: Era una ragazza intelligente, ma studiava poco, quindi non fu accettata all’universit. - She was a smart girl, but she studied very little, so she was not accepted to university. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo studiato noi avevamo studiato tu avevi studiato voi avevate studiato lui, lei, Lei aveva studiato essi, Loro avevano studiato Ad esempio: Non hanno passato l’esame perchà © non avevano studiato. - They failed the exam because they had not studied. Il passato remoto io studiai noi studiammo tu studiasti voi studiaste lui, lei, Lei studi essi, Loro studiarono Ad esempio: Gli studenti studiarono la poesia di Dante! - The students studied Dante’s poetry. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi studiato noi avemmo studiato tu avesti studiato voi aveste studiato lui, lei, Lei ebbe studiato essi, Loro ebbero studiato TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io studier noi studieremo tu studierai voi studierete lui, lei, Lei studier essi, Loro studieranno Ad esempio: Studieremo domani. Ora andiamo a prendere un bel gelato! - We’ll study tomorrow. Now let’s go get ice cream! Il futuro anteriore io avr studiato noi avremo studiato tu avrai studiato voi avrete studiato lui, lei, Lei avr studiato essi, Loro avranno studiato Ad esempio: Avr studiato russo almeno tre ore al giorno per essere cosà ¬ fluente. - He must have studied Russian three hours every day to be so fluent. CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente che io studi che noi studiamo che tu studi che voi studiate che lui, lei, Lei studi che essi, Loro studino Ad esempio: Peccato che lui non studi mai per gli esami di biologia. - It’s a shame that he never studies for the biology exams. Il passato io abbia studiato noi abbiamo studiato tu abbia studiato voi abbiate studiato lui, lei, egli abbia studiato essi, Loro abbiano studiato Ad esempio: Scommetto che (lei) abbia studiato quel pezzo di musica per mesi! - I bet she studied that piece of music for months! L’imperfetto io studiassi noi studiassimo tu studiassi voi studiaste lui, lei, egli studiasse essi, Loro studiassero Ad esempio: Voleva che tu studiassi chimica? Non ne sei affatto interessato! - He wanted you to study chemistry? You’re not interested in that at all! Il trapassato prossimo io avessi studiato noi avessimo studiato tu avessi studiato voi aveste studiato lui, lei, Lei avesse studiato essi, Loro avessero studiato Ad esempio: Pensavo avessi studiato   giurisprudenza, ma mi sbagliavo. - I thought you studied law, but I was wrong. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL Il presente io studierei noi studieremmo tu studieresti voi studiereste lui, lei, Lei studierebbe essi, Loro studierebbero Ad esempio: Se io fossi un miliardario, studierei le lingue straniere ogni giorno. - If I were a millionaire, I would study foreign languages every day. Il passato io avrei studiato noi avremmo studiato tu avresti studiato voi avreste studiato lui, lei, egli avrebbe studiato essi, Loro avrebbero studiato Ad esempio: Ho sempre pensato che avrebbe studiato letteratura, ma invece ha scelto matematica, strano, no? - I always thought he would study literature, but instead he chose math, weird, right?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Sexuality - Essay Example Empathy must be the way forward in such a case whereby one puts him or herself in the other’s (homosexual individual’s) shoe for a moment and start thinking of the problems and difficulties he or she would have to face in the same scenario. This would solve many a problem, as it would generate much more understanding and a sense of attachment with the gays and lesbians of the society. On an individual level, a gay or for that matter a lesbian must understand the commitment he has with the society and he also should know as to how his actions could affect it, both from a positive as well as from a negative point of view. He must avoid the trouble of inviting pressure from the hard liners if he possibly can but if the homosexual feels that it is his right to do whatsoever he wishes then he must do it, in the best manner possible, not only to benefit his own self but also provide comfort and consolation for the other homosexual who agrees to marry the former one. However, one should keep a close and vigilant eye on the pressures he would have to face at the hand of the society and the pressure groups when he decides to carry out the same. Just the mere fact that in the present times, homosexuals have started to be seen as quite normal individuals within the society is ground enough for one and all to understand that the solution provided for their betterment as well as the society would be easily taken up by one and all and they would not discard it on the pretext that it does not take into view a particular section’s feelings and emotions into mind.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exploring for Oil and Natural Gas Research Paper

Exploring for Oil and Natural Gas - Research Paper Example The company's seismic services can be an asset to the firms that receive the services of the firm. As drilling oil is a high risk and pay off proposition. This requires expertise in finding the oil and thus can reduce the problems regarding unnecessary extra spending on drilling and exploration. The company is expert in analyzing the oil, gas and water. This gives good idea about drilling. The information and analysis of the data of a particular place will decide the company to drill or not for fuel. The services of the company will be good for the oil firms that use the seismic services and the analysis of the oil and gas. The company's analysis include the combining of geologic information and flow simulation techniques with advanced computing. This will increase oil recovery in mature oil fields. The three resources; mature or partially depleted reservoirs, geologically complex formations and ultra deep water reservioirs are the sources of the oil at present. The engineers of C2C can identify the location and distribution of the un swept or bypassed oil and untapped compartments. High resolution fluid flow modeling and seismic imaging techniques will be used by the company for data assimilation and can determine the place of drill and finding out unswept oil. (Gene Charleton et al, 2007)1 WBS: work of Alexir can mainly divide into three parts; Explaining... May 21st: Arrival of the Chevron team May 22nd: Meeting external affairs director Alexir and his staff to discuss the visit and the agenda of the vist. May 22nd after lunch: Preparation of the list of the customers to visit and the reasons to visit them. The schedule to meet the experts in the company to know about the service they offer. May23rd before lunch: Meeting the customer service staff and asking about the customer care methods they are following and extra care they offer if the chevron outsource work for C2C. May 23rd after lunch: Meeting the administrative staff working under Lee. The administration of the company is crucial for any customer who offers work on a large scale. The administration will stream line the whole processes and is responsible for the timely delivery of the assignments. May24th before lunch: meeting the accounting staff to know about the accounting standards of the company. As from 2005 many global companies are adopting international standards of accounting for more transparency, the meeting with the accounting department is also needed. May 24th after lunch: Meeting the staff in the department of integrated PVT Field studies. May 25th to end of the visit: meeting any three customers of the company and deciding about the work that can be entitled to the company. 3. Current Situation of Chevron and C2C can Offer Chevron is a global enterprise that offers competitive products across all energy sectors. The company brings together the values, talent and commitment in developing energy sources world wide. The C2C can help the company in exploring new sources of oil and gas with relatively less expenditure than in the past due to the exact analysis and detection of the fuel sources underground. As the Chevron

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Individual Project Budget Essay Example for Free

Individual Project Budget Essay This week we are looking forward to successful two day training with your staff. The objective is to successfully convert the United States Army Medical Department from EMR to AHLTA. There are trainers that are set in place to ensure that the staff receives their full attention and that they also feel comfortable with the software. The outcome of this would be to have the ability to easily communicate electronically regarding patients and is up to date with today’s advanced technology which will allow the compliance with government standards as well as high reimbursement for every office. While being trained the staff should feel very comfortable when working with the software and to ensure that this happens a questionnaire is given for feedback. In order to get prepared for the training class, there is an updated list of things that are on the schedule that are to be reviewed with the staff. I there are any changes that come about they should be made as soon as possible. In order to make sure that the meeting will offer a successful transition, communication is very important for all offices so stakeholders are alert and ready for the upcoming dealings. In order to get everything settled their will be daily meeting that will be set up via the web and at a landline location for those that are able to attend. Schedules for each provider and their staff should eventually be shortened to accommodate training and mandatory attendance should be enforced. A checklist will be provided for each office with the necessary materials needed for the conversion and information regarding government policies. Tentative Schedule * Employees will arrive in Atlanta (Hartsfield Inter. Airport) @ approximately 8:00am * Shuttle will bring all employees to Hyatt (we have a contract with this hotel) * Employees will be served continental breakfast before the training @ 9:00am on both days * Translators are available for those that request it * Conference rooms are on the first floor Training on both days will end at approximately 4:30pm * Lunch will be serviced, Dinner is not in the budget room service and taxi service are available @ employees expense * Trainers will watch every user to make sure that they fill comfortable and a short quiz will be given on the second day to ensure this course is understood and if not then further training can be offered * Shuttle buses will be available the morning after the last training class to transport employees to Atlanta (Hartsfield Inter.  Airport). There are different times being offered, please make sure that each employee is aware of the departure times so they arrive one or two hours before their plane is set to leave The company’s plans are that each employee has a successful training class as well as a comfortable and relaxing environment. Once the two day training ends a questionnaire/survey will be mailed out for feedback. These forms are completely anonyms if you chose to take it. Thank you in advance for your corporation in this matter. For your review a preliminary budget for the 2 day training classes is provided. The budget and the schedule are subject to change. They are in the excel format using the Grantt chart.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free Essays - I am a Poor Liar :: Personal Narrative Essays

I am a Poor Liar    Whenever I lie I get this churning in the pit of my stomach that can only be quieted with truth. My bones begin to ache as though they've been bruised. I don't know if this is innate or has been taught to me, but I feel it acutely when I call on falsehood to temporarily save me. Perhaps that is why I am so annoyed with hypocrisy. Learn to identify hypocrisy, and learn to watch your promises. Mean what you say and act on what you believe in and, above all, take responsibilities for your actions. Nobody's going to pick up your slack.    Most hypocrisies stem from pettiness. They are drawn out of things that people don't truly believe in, but fight for out of pride. If you're going to stand for something, stand for something worthy of your sweat. My mother told me never to buy a dog I couldn't pick up. Barely profound? Not so. My mother was never petty. She never attached herself to anything she couldn't take with her if she was uprooted. She could grow where she was planted. When you weigh yourself down with the trivial weariness follows you where ever you go. And Time doesn't tread softly on the laden heart.    Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. - Carl Schurz But as wrong as I make hypocrites out to be, don't worry too much about being one. We all have ideals and morals, but we are guided by them, not bound by them. Yes, I believe that lying undermines the human quest of truth and is a deplorable act, but I have lied. We all end up as hypocrites. 'Tis fate. The idea is to try to embody your principles. Trying separates the decent people from all that is crude and vulgar.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Weather Investigation

Aim: To record the temperature around School to try to discover if there is a microclimate. Hypothesis: There is a microclimate around the school. The temperature will change. Geographical Theory What is a microclimate? The climate of a small, specific place within a larger area. An area as small as a yard or park can have several different microclimates depending on how much sunlight, shade, or exposure to the wind there is at a particular spot. Compare macroclimate. Plan: In my experiment I am going to measure * Wind speed * Wind direction * Temperature- caretakers room, the English room, Italian room, tree by tennis courts * Air pressure * Rain fall * Cloud cover Method 1) Firstly, we went to the Geography room where we took a look at the Barometer. We read the black needle and then turned the gold needle to the black needle so that tomorrow we would be able to read the air pressure for today. 2) Then we went outside to the rain gauge near the pond. We lifted it up and read how many millimetres of water were inside it. We then emptied it so that tomorrow we cold read from fresh. 3) Next, we went to the tennis courts and measured the wind speed and wind direction using an anemometer and our finger. To use the anemometer you need to hold the digital reader in your hand and lift the other part until you get the highest reading. We licked our finger to find the wing direction and also used a compass then where our finger felt the coldest was where the wing was coming from. 4) We the measured the cloud cover by using observation and counted the number of clods comparing it in eighths. 5) Finally, we measured the temperature around the school reading the results from four different thermometers situated in four different places around the school. These are: the Italian room, the English room, the tennis courts and outside the caretakers room. We measured the current temperature from a normal thermometer and the lowest and highest temperature of the day from a max. min. thermometer. Analysis On Wednesday there was the least amount of air pressure but the most amount of rainfall. It also had the slowest wind speed but the highest number of oktas. Also,on Friday there was the most amounts of air pressure and the lowest number of oktas for the cloud cover. Description of results: On Monday the air pressure amount was between the highest and lowest amount, 998 mb. It had a lot of rainfall of 10 mm and the highest fastest wind speed of 6.4 ms going into the direction of east and 7 oktas for cloud cover. On Tuesday it had the second smallest amount of air pressure of 989 mb and the median amount of rainfall which is 5.5 mm. The wind speed was one of the slowest as it was only 5.1 ms heading east. There were 6 oktas for cloud cover. On Wednesday there was the least amount of air pressure with 981 mb and the most rainfall which is 11.5 mm. It had the slowest of wind speed of 0.75 ms heading south – east and the most cloud cover of 7 oktas. On Thursday it was a median amount of air pressure, 998 mb and the second smallest amount of rainfall with 5 mm but on that day the rain gauge tipped over so 5 mm was not the correct result. There was a wind speed of 5.9 heading south and the cloud cover was of 6 oktas. Lastly on Friday there was the highest amount of air pressure, 1012 mb and the lowest amount of rainfall which was 1.8mm. The wind speed consisted of 6 heading north the cloud cover being 5 oktas as the lowest. Conclusion I have concluded that there is a microclimate in different places around St Michael's Grammar School. But on certain days it was more obvious then others. This is because all the temperatures are varied because of small changes such as facing south- which is where the sun is, or if there is a building in the way which can block sunlight, or if the weather is cloudy, which blocks the sun from getting to a certain area, which changes the temperature in the different areas. Evaluation This investigation was quite accurate but there are a few ways I would make this better. First of all I would make sure that the rain gauge is straight and steady so that it collects the right amount of rain that should be collected so that the rainfall results will be completely 100% accurate. Next I would make sure that the wind speed results are correct as well by using the anemometer properly and waiting longer for the highest amount of wind speed so that we can get a larger result. Another thing is to reset the temperature everyday at the exact minute from the past 24 hours so that the temperature will be accurate for every day. Overall the investigation had reasonably accurate results and there are ways to improve it but it in the end it was a great weather investigation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How to Create a Marketing Plan Essay

When was the last time you dusted off that marketing plan you created for your business? Wait, you do have a marketing plan, right? Well, if your marketing plan somehow found its way to the recycle bin or if you have actually never planned out a marketing strategy for your business then BusinessMarketingBlog is going to help you. Before we jump into the 6 Simple Steps to Developing A Marketing Plan, it is important that you understand the following elements of every successful marketing plan: 1) Spend the time and resources to plot out your marketing strategy and budget 2) Implement your marketing plan 3) Analyze and adjust your marketing plan as needed 4) Refine your marketing plan for the upcoming year, quarter, month, etc. 6 Steps to an Effective Marketing Plan Step 1: Define the Purpose of Your Marketing Efforts Before you can create a successful marketing plan you must have a strong understanding of what the purpose of your marketing plan is. QUESTION: What do I want people to do after they have been exposed to my marketing? Your answer should be something very specific, not something vague like â€Å"I want my marketing to help my business grow.† Here are some common purposes that business owners use to drive their marketing efforts: * Get someone to pick up the phone and call me * Entice someone to email me * Get people to tell others about my marketing / business HINT: The more thought and planning you put into this first step, the higher your conversion rates will be throughout your marketing efforts. Step 2: Determine Your Competitive Advantage and Emphasize It Now that you have pinned down a couple of the purposes for your marketing plan it is time to think about and plan out how you are going to get people to complete these actions. QUESTION: Why will people take the specified actions you have identified? You must determine what your competitive advantage is over your competitors. Sure, you probably have a lot of great benefits and value adds,  but you need determine your one strongest and most specific competitive advantage. HINT: Stress your competitive advantage as a solution to a problem (if possible). Step 3: Determine Your Target Audience Your marketing plan cannot be effective unless you know the specific demographics of the customers you are trying to reach. Again, try to be as specific as possible as the most effective marketing plans are centered around targeted, accurate broadcasting and not so much reaching the highest number of people possible. A thousand random prospects will usually not earn you as much profit as 10 of the right prospects. QUESTION: Which group of people will be most accepting and willing to receive my marketing message? You can save a ton of money by knowing who your target audience is and tailoring your marketing to that group of people. HINT: Identify ALL of your target groups, BUT market to each group with tailored, targeted messages. Step 4: Determine Your Marketing Methods There are so many ways to market a business these days; however, only a few marketing methods and mediums are raising to the top as being the most cost effective and penetrating. Get out of your old, set ways of how marketing needs to be and expand your efforts into some of today’s most effective means of reaching prospects. Ask yourself this question: QUESTION: Which marketing strategies will allow me to reach my prospects where they are without annoying or interrupting them and will I be able to directly track the results of these efforts? Online marketing is one of, if not, the most cost effective ways to market a business these days. We recommend a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes all of the following online marketing methods: * Business Website and/or Blog * Paid Search Marketing * Search Engine Optimization * Social Media Marketing * Email Marketing * Video Marketing HINT: Hire a professional to implement and maintain these online marketing services for you. You will save a ton of money in the long run. Step 5:  Determine Your Niche Now that you have pin-pointed your purpose, benefits and target market, you need to define your niche. Ask yourself this question: QUESTION: When people hear your product / business / company name, what’s the first thing that crosses their minds? Is it price, speed, exclusivity, service, value or something else? Your answer to this is your niche, also known as positioning, and it is what your prospects see and expect from you. The more defined and specialized your business becomes, the more likely it is to succeed in the long run so put some thought into this one. HINT: Once you define your niche, specialize in it as much as possible and communicate this niche throughout all of your marketing Step 6: Determine Your Marketing Budget Last, but most definitely not the least important, is to define what your marketing budget is for your business. Your marketing budget is something that should be evaluated at least 4 times a year, if not more. You should stick to your planned budget as much as possible. Too often do we see businesses get nervous in tough economies and decide to cut expenses with marketing being one of the first to see cuts. QUESTION: Do you really think that cutting your marketing budget or holding off on aggressive marketing is going to position your business appropriately in any economy? Marketing is not something you should ever cut corners on, especially in down economies when opportunities are ripe for cheaper market penetration. We recommend preparing to spend at least 10% of your gross sales on marketing your business. HINT: Calculate your marketing budget using your projected gross sales; this will help you operate in a growth mode. If you work off of your current sales then you will be plan ning a marketing strategy to just tread water. Putting It All Together These 6 steps are more than enough to get you started on developing a real marketing plan for your business. There are many more elements to a full scale marketing plan that deserves time, research and planning; however, once this work is done and you are able to see, follow, analyze and refine your marketing plan we can almost guarantee that your business will be taken to new levels of success that you have not experienced yet. Good luck and  please let us know if you need assistance or have specific questions about any or all of the steps outlined above.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dissertation Plagiarism 5 Ways NOT to Break the Law

Dissertation Plagiarism 5 Ways NOT to Break the Law Dissertation Plagiarism: 5 Ways NOT to Break the Law Dissertation custom writing companies are becoming more and more popular among college students. Although they gain traction, talks about the â€Å"contract cheating† make students set sights on the legality of the writing companies. Asking such services for assistance is not all that shameful and illegal if you properly make use of them. Thus, let’s puzzle out this question. 1. Do NOT Cheat When you get a custom-written dissertation that meets all your professor’s demands, it is quite difficult to resist the temptation and not to hand in the work as your own. In this case, you have to keep in mind that the Copyright Law of the United States strictly punishes for dissertation plagiarism. And, the consequences are not the thing you would like to face being an A-student for the last couple of years. How should you act, though? Use this paper as a sample that will help you craft a masterpiece on your own. 2. Follow the Key Requirements The most beneficial way a sample dissertation can come in handy is to let you know how to meet the formatting demands. Having a properly-crafted piece in front of you, you do not need to overlook tens or even hundreds of guides to come up with the right structure of your writing. A practical example will substitute the best consultant as well as save you a lot of time. 3. Get Inspired by Ideas Sure, when you get a topic for a dissertation paper, you may have some ideas concerning the issue; do not forget to note them down! Thus, when you receive a sample paper written by a professional that discloses top issues, it would be a great bonus if you insert your own ideas into the piece. This will not only help you make the work more developed but also get outside of the problem on your own. Your professor will surely check out your attempts. 4. Paraphrase the Ideas It goes without saying that it may happen that you have no idea what can be said more concerning the issue of your dissertation, and the only source of information for your paper is the received sample. In order not to resort to any kind of plagiarism, you have to do your best and reproduce your own thoughts based on the points got from the example writing. Read the whole example paper, understand the key points, and then, retell the plot in your own words paraphrase it. As the result, you are more likely to provide a well-researched dissertation that is absolutely unique. 5. Develop the Issues to the Fullest Even if you do not have any ideas concerning the discussed problem, do your best to better discover the questions presented in the example work. When researching, you will put new information in the paper thinking through the central issue. Have a look at all the covered problems, choose those that impress you the most, and work on them. You will definitely find some useful sources on the list of references, so, make use of them and get deeper into some questions you think are important for your research. If you have ever asked yourself whether dealing with dissertation writing services is legal, hope, now you know the answer. In order NOT to be considered a cheater, remember the only thing the ordered paper, be it a dissertation or an essay sample, is just an example that should be your guide to produce a professional assignment written from scratch. Do not try to outsmart your professors as the truth will always be out of the bag somehow. Dont hesitate to buy your dissertation online written by professionals.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Letters of Recommendation at Online Universities

Letters of Recommendation at Online Universities Recently a reader asked: My bachelors degree is from an online university. How do I get a letter of recommendation? As a student in an online undergraduate institution, it is likely that you will never meet any of your professors face-to-face. Does that mean that you cant get a letter of recommendation from them? Think of it this way, does your professor have to know what you look like in order to determine whether you are graduate school material? No. All you need are experiences with the faculty member (in class or through advising) that illustrate your competence. That said, it is unquestionably more difficult to get these experiences without face-to-face contact in a traditional college setting. Who to Ask?How do you determine who to ask? Remember that faculty need to know enough about you to write a helpful letter stating that you will do well in grad school. Which faculty have you had the most contact with? Consider what classes youve taken. Have you had a professor more than once? An advisor who you have discussed your coursework with over several semesters? A thesis committee? Did you obtain a high grade for a lengthy and detailed paper? That professor, even if youve only taken one class with him or her, might be a good reference. Look over all of the work that you have submitted. Consider the papers with which you are particularly proud. What feedback did faculty provide? Considering the feedback, do you think this professor might write on your behalf? What If You Cant Find Three Faculty?Three recommendation letters can be hard to come by. You might find, for example, that one faculty member knows you really well, another knows you somewhat, and a third not as well. Graduate schools are familiar with the challenges of online learning but they still expect letters of recommendation that indicate that faculty know who you are, positively evaluate your work, and believe that you are a good candidate for graduate study. Many students who attend online institutions for their undergraduate work find that they can easily obtain a couple of letters but find it hard to identify a third faculty member. In this case consider non-faculty as letter writers. Have you done any work - paid or unpaid - in an area related to your desired field of study? The most helpful letter s are written by knowledgeable professionals in your field who supervise your work. At minimum, identify a supervisor who can write about your work ethic and motivation. Soliciting letters of recommendation is never easy. Never having met your professors in person makes soliciting letters much harder. Online institutions are more popular than ever and continue to grow in numbers. Graduate admissions committees are gaining experience with applicants from online institutions. They are becoming familiar with the challenges that such students face and increasingly understand the difficulties students experience in obtaining letters of recommendation. Dont fret. Youre not the online one in this predicament. Seek a range of letters that illustrate your competence. Ideally all should be written by faculty, but recognize that it may not be possible. Prepare for the possibility by cultivating relationships with professionals whenever you can. As with all aspects of applying to graduate school, begin early.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Post Confederation Canadian History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Post Confederation Canadian History - Essay Example As a ruling myth, nationalism was used to eclipse other social divisions, especially class, by positing an overarching national identity that promoted relations of domination and discouraged an effective, united challenge to the system through scapegoating 'others.' In the nationalist discourse of the social reform movement, concepts of race and nation were fused and simultaneously based on the principles of exclusion and inclusion. Consequently, as Robert Miles argues for the similar British case, 'racism' formed 'the lining of the cloak of nationalism.' Gender ideals -- women's 'respectable' role as domestic manager, reproducer, and nurturer -- also interacted with concepts of nation, race, and class in the reform project as women's proper role in the domestic sphere was considered essential to 'Canadianizing' the working class. State intervention in the housing sphere in the interwar period was limited when compared with initiatives in the post-Second World War era; fewer than 7000 houses were built under government auspices in the period. But the discourse of housing betterment, along with its counterparts in other areas of social policy and the practical measures implemented at the local level, assisted in strengthening the popular fiction of 'Canadian' supremacy and spreading the bigoted message that 'outsiders' (however loosely defined) were to blame for the country's problems. This attitude dovetailed neatly with the divide-and-rule strategy pursued by government officials increasingly concerned with the intense class struggles of the period. Social planning experiments were circumscribed but nevertheless emblematic of significant developments in the history of the Canadian state and reform ideas. Central to this process was the contribution of housing reformers to the question of what constituted the Canadian nation and, more crucially, a 'proper' Canadian. Reform-minded state officials sought popular legitimacy by reinforcing pre-existing notions of the dangerous 'other' -- non-British, non-white 'races' and 'nations' and, increasingly, urban native-born and British immigrant workers -- in stark opposition to the ideal of the cherished and respectable 'white British Canadian.' Simultaneously, the reform tendencies of the period sustained and deepened the conviction that women's role was solely in the home as nurturer and Canadianizer of the 'race.' Through reform propaganda and practical implementation of various housing reform measures, it proved useful for reformers to attribute social and economic afflictions to the so-called inferiority and 'un-Canadianness' of various social groups --immigrants, women, and workers -- rather than to structural flaws in the capitalist sys tem itself. 'Reform' in the First World War period can be defined as an approach advocating state intervention in the economy and society to alleviate the social problems of capitalism and thereby preserve the system itself. The role housing reform could play, as part of the larger project of securing social consent by stabilizing family structures and contributing to the construction of a distinct national identity, constituted a pivotal concern in the discourse of the reform effort. Yet without losing sight of this distinct regulatory thrust from above, it is also necessary to chart

Friday, November 1, 2019

Erin Brockovich Movie (2000) Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Erin Brockovich (2000) - Movie Review Example Hence, the movie depicts a character-based true event of American history involving one of â€Å"the largest direct-action legal settlement† that ever happened in America. Although Albert Finney, who is acting Erin’s irritable boss, is also an interesting character; still, Erin’s trashy and plain mannerism holds the viewer’s attention through the length of the movie. â€Å"The story of Erin Brockovich is an inspirational reminder of the power of the human spirit†, says Henderson. The movie is a sweet story of her struggle and passion which led her to become a successful woman who ended her helping herself through helping others. Erin portrays the labor class of America who is fighting to make their both ends meet and desperate for justice and employment. People of this class face punishments and all decisions from the law even when there is no fault of theirs. Thus, Erin’s is the story that starts with a depiction of the plight of the working class. Also, the two sides of Erin Brockovich are correctly shown in the film which includes â€Å"the tender loveliness of a mother to match her first name, and the assaulting harshness of a fullback to match her last name†. However, she has been shown as being foul-mouthed which the labor class is usually stereotyped as. For example, when Erin gets into an argument with a colleague and the latter says that they got off on the wrong foot, Erin replies that all she (the colleague) has been two wrong feet. The movie proves to some extent that it is always the labor class of people that have to suffer.